Trust the Gene Genie

Monday, April 26, 2004

Life comes in waves. It's amazing that one week of non-events can lead to the next week of life-altering experiences.

"(I) wondered how tomorrow could ever follow today."

And I'm glad. I'm glad that its unpredictable and that it changes and that unexpected events, be they good or bad, can bring unexpected consequences both good and bad. I just want the good to out-weigh the bad. But i suppose its the bad that builds character, that makes us stronger, better people. And before this gets too cliched and metaphysical, I'm going to stop.

I will say this, though. Life would be empty, life would be hollow if it were spent alone. Thank goodnes for a spouse who knows and understands me and thank goodness for two little girls who giggle and tease and call me Mustard and Hot Dog because they think that's funny. Who are we kidding, it is funny.

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