Trust the Gene Genie

Monday, June 05, 2006

Goodbye Linus

Well, it looks like little Linus will have to wait. Becky and the girls and I just got back from the doctor's and it appears we're having ...

A GIRL. But it's not a done deal yet. Apparently there was an umbilical cord and some legs and other things obstructing the view. The doc said, probably a girl but not 100 percent, and she'll tell us for sure next month. We're not sweating it. We're used to having girls -- it's like it's become our family identity. Claire on the other hand isn't so sure. last night she told us a boy would be great, but that she was okay with whatever Heavenly Father sent us. "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit," she said.

Well that went right out the window when the doctor told us it was probably a girl. "But I didn't want a girl," she said. It was great. Anyway, the problem now, of course, is coming up with a name. Maybe we'll let the girls choose. Claire would name her Diamond Sparkle and Leigh would probably name her Purple. Hmmmm. Purple. I kind of like that.


Scott's Blog said...

"Purple". I like that. Can we steal that from you if we have a girl? Or is it a boys name? Or is it like Pat or Kelly?

To quote Homer Simpson:

Homer: "Do you want a doughnut?"

Lisa: "Do you have any fruit?"

Homer: "This doughnut has purple in it. Purple is a fruit."

Anonymous said...

I like Diamond Sparkle. It fits with your personalities. :)

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